Velofel to not only watch the video but read the article too again let me know what your experiences are with this.Well, let me assure you that you're not. We are seeing more and more and more men every year coming forward for all types of genital surgery, but in particular penis enlargement. That is Moorgate's that, most are quite happy after the first procedure but it can be done if you're wanting extra girth gained. So let's discuss what happens after your Penis Enlargement surgery, well the first thing I need to mention is that you will not be able to have any sexual activity for between 4 and 6 weeks. Your their first treatment to put the penis back to the girth gain that they got when they have the treatment first
Velofel South Africa longer or a little less, but typically expect about a year before you need a top of treatment done. Now, you might be thinking well what Girth gains can I expect from Penis Enlargement injections, well this depends on a couple of factors really. Firstly, the amount of filler that's injected at any particular time, in most cases our Urologist tend to inject some the first treatment between 10 and 50 mils of filler and the next thing to take into consideration is the length of the shaft to begin with. s So if you have quite good length of shaft of penis shaft, then it will take a little bit more filler to get you to a good position,