Pure Muscle Growth The treatment of patients with micropenises is carried out by many specialist doctors - most often it is a surgeon, often also a plastic surgeon, endocrinologist, urologist Pure Muscle Growth clinical geneticist. Therapeutic options for treating patients with this problem depend to a large extent on what is causing it in a given patient, although it should be noted that in the vast majority of cases they are quite limited Pure Muscle Growth its effects uncertain. In the case of patients whose causes of micropenis are seen as existing hormonal disorders, hormone therapy may prove to be effective treatment. Most often it involves the administration of preparations containing testosterone, growth hormone is less commonly used. In hormonal treatment, it is very important to start early - the best time is 2 or 3 months old. Before starting hormone therapy, it is necessary to exclude the coexistence of cancer diseases. There is also the possibility of surgical correction of this malformation. In recent years, the option of low-invasive management has also appeared - it involves the use of medical extenders (recommended primarily for mature men).