Max Fit Keto Lack of whole grain products, fruits and vegetables in the early stages of the diet can lead to constipation. Conclusion on the Duran diet Quick weight loss can be a motivating factor, but it can be detrimental to health, and the rate of weight loss will inevitably slow down over time. The Duran diet cannot be considered balanced, since it has to additionally take vitamin mineral complex and fiber in the form of oat bran. In addition, there is a risk of increasing the risk of health problems if you do not strictly follow the rules. This diet lacks diversity in the initial stages, so there is a chance that it will soon get boring for you and give up. Pale diet Pale diet aka caveman's diet, since 2013, is one of the most popular methods of weight loss. Food on it consists of products that can be obtained by gathering and hunting, namely meat, seafood, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. As you can see, this diet is based on the estimated eating habits of people of the Paleolithic era, who were hunters and gatherers and continued to be such until the time when agriculture developed about 10,000 years ago. That is why grain and dairy products, as well as refined sugar, potatoes and salt are excluded from the diet. There is no official version of the pale diet, but in most cases this is a low carb, high protein diet with some variations in terms of carbohydrate and meat intake. Proponents of this style of nutrition argue that the pale diet is a plan for healthy eating, which in the long run can be useful for losing weight and reducing the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and cancer diseases, as well as many other diseases. The bulk of the pale diet research was not large enough. Longer experiments are needed to find out if this diet is so effective. One of the studies conducted in 2008 proved that the pale diet may indeed be useful in reducing the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. However, this study does not answer the question does the pale diet outperform other low calorie diets? Benefits of the pale diet a pale diet encourages you to consume less processed foods and more fruits and vegetables. Reducing the intake of high calorie foods leads to a reduction in caloric intake and helps to lose weight.