Keto Flux Reviews - Skinned skin syndrome - Affection especially in newborns, which is manifested by fever , skin eruptions and sometimes pustules. When the vesicles break, the top layer of the skin is flawed, and the skin will be red and glossy, like a burn.Other types of Staphylococcal Infections and Their SymptomsU Other symptoms of staph infections include: - staphylococcal mastitis - painful nodules, nipple leakage, fever, itching of the breasts, lymph nipples and lymph nodes , chills , heatiness in the breast; - parotiditis (mumps) of bacterial origin - painful swelling under the ear, difficulties opening the mouthmandible) and swallowing, high fever, chills; - bacterial sinusitis - dental pain , headache , cough, stuffy nose, runny nose and drip, lack of concentration, congestion of the face;